The number of fees charged during a home purchase can often catch many home buyers off-guard, leading them to make an offer on a house which is potentially out of their budget.

When you are browsing through the range of online property sale websites, it can be easy for a first-time home buyer...
Looking for your dream property? All you need is internet access and a computer, right? This article has a list of reasons why this isn’t correct. If advertisements are to be believed, all that you need to do to find your dream home and move in is simply visit a website or download an app. And...

Are you looking to sell your home? Want to make your property more appealing without spending too much money? This article has some tips which can help! When it comes to selling a property, no seller wants to make improvements to it. And why would they? After all, they won’t be in a position...

When it comes to showing your home to potential buyers at night it isn’t as easy as showing it during the day. This article has great tips which can help. There is no denying that day-time inspection gives you the best chance to show your home at its best. However, with busy schedules and life...

Every agent will tell you that it is more difficult to sell your home during the summer period, largely because home buyers take the opportunity to enjoy a vacation. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of buyers you still need to entice. The summer weather both gives you...