All sellers need to ensure that their listing shows their home at its best and entices buyers to want to visit.

There is a multitude of reasons why a seller will forego the hiring of an estate agent and, instead, take on the task themselves. If this is you, whatever the reason is for listing your property yourself, it’s crucial that your listing presents your home at its best and makes buyers want to make an appointment to inspect.

Improve Your Listing Photos

Before you put your listing online or in the newspaper, Riva Title Company has a post to share with some tips which can help improve the quality of the photos you use in your property listing.

The More Photos, the Better

If you were to hire a professional photographer to take photos of your property, no matter how experienced they were, they wouldn’t stand in the doorway to take one photo and then move on to the next room. So why would you? Instead, take a photo of the room, then using the digital viewfinder, look at what you could change before taking another photo, such as:
  • Adjusting the lighting.
  • Moving the camera.
  • Rearrange the furniture in the room.
  • Opening or closing curtains or shutters.
  • Removing items from the room.
  • Bring new items in.
Once you have taken a number of shots, then move to the next room and do the same. Having more photos to choose from will allow you to design a listing which shows your home off in a range of ways and always at its best.

Speaking of Camera

On the subject of cameras, while you don’t have to go to your nearest photography store and buy the best professional camera you can afford, it is important that you don’t use a low-quality cell phone camera or a disposable camera and scan the prints. The reason for this is to help you get the best quality pictures you can. If your digital camera or cell phone isn’t up to the task, ask your friends and family if anybody has a high-quality digital camera or, failing this, borrow a high-end cell phone to perform the task. Failing this, consider hiring one for the ocassion as a high-quality is essential for getting great shots. Smart buyers will want to protect their investment, especially if they are using borrowed funds, by taking out a policy for title insurance. To do this, buyers need the title of your home to be clear from inconsistencies and issues. To find out if there are any issues with your title and how to clear them, speak with a friendly expert at Riva Title Company by calling 786-787-7888.

Be Truthful

One of the worst and easiest mistakes a seller can make is to use pictures or descriptive language which makes buyers think that the property is either better or more closely aligned with what they are looking for than it is. While it may seem like a good way to get buyers in the door, as soon as they discover that it isn’t what they thought, they will quickly leave. For example, resist using pictures which give the illusion that a room continues on after the edge of the photo or exaggerating the amount of storage space which exists when creating your listing.

Steady Shots

You don’t want to look at your friends’ blurry holiday snaps, so why would buyers want to look at blurry photos in a property listing? If you were to use a professional photographer, they would employ a tripod to keep the camera steady and a remote shutter. However, you don’t need any of this to get similar results. Resting your digital camera on top of a set of books which are sitting on a chair and using the timer function is a great way for homeowners to get steady shots without using expensive camera accessories. Whatever you need to do to ensure your photos are clear and the camera isn’t shaking, do it.

The Best Title Insurance in Miami, FL

Before you put your home on the market, ensure that the title is clear and buyers can easily obtain title insurance to protect their new investment. To find out how you can do this before submitting your property listing, speak with an expert at Riva Title Company by calling 786-787-7888. Title insurance provides homeowners with peace of mind when it comes to the ownership of their property, and is required by mortgage lenders to limit their risk and exposure.