October 3rd, 2015 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or CFPB is
replacing four existing disclosure forms required under federal law into two
new documents the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. These new forms
will make it easier for the borrower to understand the loan they will be
receiving and they will be better prepared to make more informed financial
decisions. In addition, here are some
new terms that you will need to be familiar with:
Lender = Creditor
Borrower = Consumer
Tolerances = Variances
Closing/Settlement = Consummation (the date the consumer signs the note)
Settlement Agent = Settlement Service Provider
The new disclosures are explained below in more detail.
The Loan Estimate is replacing the Good
Faith Estimate (GFE) and the initial Truth-in-Lending disclosure (initial TIL). These forms have been combined into this new
form, the Loan Estimate.
will get a Loan Estimate no
later than the third business day after they submit a loan application.
new form is designed to highlight key terms to enable borrowers to shop around
for the best deals and more importantly it is designed to be user-friendly.
Creditor or Loan Broker will provide the creditor with the Loan Estimate.
The Closing Disclosure is replacing the
HUD-1 and final Truth-in-Lending disclosure (final TIL and, together with the
initial TIL, the Truth-in-Lending forms).
These forms have been combined into this new form, now called the
Closing Disclosure.
Consumers must get
this form provided to them at least three business days before consummation of
the loan. Consummation is the date that a consumer
becomes contractually obligated to the creditor on the loan (i.e., the day they
sign the note.) If the form is mailed, couriered or emailed, the lender must
allow an extra three business days on top of that. This means that the
closing cannot occur for at least six business days after the lender or
Settlement Service Provider sends out the completed Closing Disclosure.
Creditor or Settlement Service provider will provide the creditor with the
Closing Disclosure.
Loan Estimate variances from Closing
Keep in mind that the Closing Disclosure
can change from the Loan Estimate.
Variances, formerly known as tolerances, will force more fees into the 0% and 10% categories.
Lenders may have greater responsibility imposed on them for the amount their
partners charge.

What type of transactions need the
new disclosures?
new disclosures and rules apply to residential properties that include a
mortgage as part of a sale or refinance transaction. They do not apply to HELOCs, reverse mortgages
or mortgages secured by a mobile home or by a dwelling that is not attached to
real property (i.e., land), commercial or all-cash transactions.
What is three business day rule?
working day including Saturdays. The exceptions
will be Sundays and legal holidays.
Riva Title Company Is Ready
Riva Title Company will be ready for the new CFPB changes. We will comply with all CFPB regulations and we will be ready to get the final closing information to the Creditor at least 10 days before the closing date so that the Creditor can complete the Closing Disclosure in time to get it out six days before the scheduled closing.