
Useful Real Estate Settlement Terms

Here are a few terms you will likely come across as you approach your closing date. Make sure to go into your closing knowing what they mean.

Adverse Possession

The technical term for squatting, or occupying a property without the owner's consent. Title of the...
One of the most important events in your life is when you purchase your first home. The decision can be a scary and intriguing, but with the right help, it will be one of the best and most memorable experiences you will have. Since this is a very significant decision, Riva Title Company wants to ...
Finding your dream house is an existing adventure but it can become discouraging when you learn of all the legal processes. That is why here at Riva Title Company we want to take care of all your legal needs so you can enjoy the whole experience and leave the not so fun part to us. We have put...

To Buy or to Build- That Is the Question

A Full-Time Job

If you are looking for a second full-time job, managing the buildout of your own home is one. The catch is that you do not get paid. Finding the land, designing the home, managing construction, negotiating material costs- these are all...

Cheap Home Improvements That Increase Value

Here are some home improvement steps you can take to boost the value of your home without costing a fortune.


Install dimmers on your lights. Buyers like to be able to control the lighting in a room. And consider sun tubes. These are similar to...