As soon as you speak a word to anybody about buying a house, they flood you with their tips, suggestions, and even stories of their experiences, good or bad. So much so that you may even stop telling people about your home buying efforts.
Why Every Homebuyer Needs Title Insurance in Coral Gables, Fl
And while their messages are all said with good-intention, it’s hard to keep track of it all and to absorb everything everybody tells you. For this post, Riva Title Company has some information on one of the aspects which your friends and family have likely all told you to get but haven’t told you why - title insurance.
A Claim Against the Ownership of Your Title
It can be easy to think that, once you have paid the money, signed the papers, and received the keys that the title of the property entirely belongs to you. And while it does at that very moment, there is a range of problems which could arise to challenge it.
As an example, if the property you are looking to purchase was previous part of an inheritance settlement and one of the listed parties wasn’t notified about the sale, then this heir has a legal right to claim part ownership of your title for the purpose of recovering inheritance owed based on the previous sale.
Another example would be a property which the previous or even current owner used as security against a line of credit. While the property remained trouble free during their repayments if the repayment stop then you could receive a letter from their creditor advising that the property is marked for foreclosure for the sole purpose of recovering debt from a previous owner.
A further example could even involve a tradesman who performed work on the property prior to it being sold to you. Once the work was completed, the owner held off making the payment until the transfer was completed. Unfortunately, if work was completed on the house then the tradesmen can raise a claim against its ownership for payment of owed funds.
Protect yourself from these instances with title insurance in Coral Gables, FL. Speak with Riva Title Company today at 786-787-7888 to find out more about the benefits of title insurance in Coral Gables, FL and how it can keep your title ownership protected.
What Does Title Insurance Have to Do with This?
In short, a lot.
The first step in obtaining title insurance is for a trained expert to investigate the history of a property’s title. This includes ensuring all due diligence was previously followed such as notifying heirs, checking for liens and claims, along with a range of other identifiers which could spell trouble for your future home ownership.
When this investigation has been completed, Riva Title Company will generate a thorough policy for title insurance in Coral Gables, FL.
How Does the Policy Work
Title insurance in Coral Gables, FL is different to another type of insurance because there is only a single-time payment required when you take out the policy.
Once a policy is active, in the event that one of the above-mentioned examples or a range of other issues arises, your title insurance policy can provide you with financial protection.
In the example of an heir which is owed inheritance, your title insurance policy can provide financial restitution to resolve the claim.
Similarly, if you receive a letter from a credit threatening foreclosure of your home, your title insurance policy can provide financial coverage for funds owed.
If any of the above or other situations occur, the primary benefit to title insurance in Coral Gables, FL is the minimal impact these claims will have on your enjoyment of the home. With your title insurance company taking care of the details and the finances, a homeowner who took out a title insurance policy prior to the settlement have peace of mind when it comes to their home ownership.
Get Title Insurance in Coral Gables, Fl
As you can likely tell from the above information, of all the tips you are told, title insurance in Coral Gables, FL is potentially one of the most important. It is for the reasons above and so many other that more and more smart homebuyers are doing their due-diligence first and obtaining title insurance in Coral Gables, FL.
Available only prior to settlement, be sure to speak with Riva Title Company before you sign to obtain a thorough policy for title insurance in Coral Gables, FL. To find out more, speak with an expert at Riva Title Company today by calling 786-787-7888.